wb resource update bq-dataset


wb-resource-update-bq-dataset - Update a BigQuery dataset.


wb resource update bq-dataset [--default-partition-lifetime=<defaultPartitionLif _ etimeSeconds>] [--default-table-lifetime=<defaultTableLifetimeSec_ _ onds>] [--format=<format>] [--new-cloning=<cloning>] [--new-dataset-id=<newBqDatasetId>] [--new-description=<newDescription>] [--new-id=<newId>] [--new-path=<newPath>] [--new-project-id=<newGcpProjectId>] [--workspace=<id>] (--id=<id>_)


Update a BigQuery dataset.


  • --default-partition-lifetime=<defaultPartitionLifetimeSeconds>
    The default lifetime, in seconds, for partitions in newly created partitioned tables. This flag has no minimum value. Specify 0 to remove the existing expiration time. Any partitions in newly created partitioned tables are deleted this many seconds after the partition’s create time, adjusted to UTC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time) such that time zone changes will not affect this lifetime. This value is applied if you do not set a partition expiration on the table when it is created.

  • --default-table-lifetime=<defaultTableLifetimeSeconds>
    The default lifetime, in seconds, for newly created tables. The minimum value is 3600 seconds (one hour). Specify 0 to remove the existing expiration time. The expiration time evaluates to the current time plus this value, adjusted to UTC such that time zone changes will not affect this lifetime. Any table created in the dataset is deleted this many seconds after its creation time. This value is applied if you do not set a table expiration when the table is created.

  • --format=<format>
    Set the format for printing command output: JSON, TEXT. Defaults to the config format property.

    Default: null
  • --id=<id>
    ID of the resource, scoped to the workspace. Only use letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.

  • --id=<id>
    ID of the resource, scoped to the workspace. Only use letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.

  • --new-cloning=<cloning>
    Instructions for handling when cloning the workspace: COPY_NOTHING, COPY_DEFINITION, COPY_RESOURCE, COPY_REFERENCE for controlled resources; COPY_NOTHING or COPY_REFERENCE for referenced resources.

  • --new-dataset-id=<newBqDatasetId>
    New BigQuery dataset id.

  • --new-description=<newDescription>
    New description of the resource.

  • --new-id=<newId>
    New ID of the resource. Only alphanumeric and underscore characters are permitted.

  • --new-path=<newPath>
    New path of the bucket (e.g. 'project_id.dataset_name').

  • --new-project-id=<newGcpProjectId>
    New GCP project id of the dataset.

  • --workspace=<id>
    Workspace id to use for this command only.

Last Modified: 10 February 2025