Discover data collections

Learn to find existing data collections

Purpose: This document explains how you can find data collections to use in your workspaces.

How to discover new data collections

Locate the Discover link in the main navigation and click it to navigate to the Discover page.

Find the Discover navigation link in the main navigation

You'll see a list of data collections where you have Discoverer, Reader, Writer, or Owner access. This includes data collections that have a group policy with a group or organization you belong to.

Discover new data collections

There are two ways to filter search results.

Search terms will match any of the following fields:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Therapeutic area tags
  • Data modality tags
  • Publisher name
  • Publisher email
  • Created date (month, date, or year)
  • Last modified date (month, date, or year)

2. Filter search results by Metadata tags

To the right of the search, click the Filter button. A modal will open. Select any fields you'd like to filter by.

Filter data collection results by metadata.

When you select multiple fields, each result will include all of the fields. That is, if you select Infectious Diseases and Daily, then all results will include the therapeutic tag Infectious Diseases and an update frequency of Daily.

Filtered data collection results

3. Add data to your workspace

If you only have Discoverer access, you won't have access to the data and will need to request access via the Request access button.

If you have Reader, Writer, or Owner access you'll be able to view the data collection's data and be able to add it to your workspace.


I can't find a data collection I know exists

You must have Discoverer, Reader, Writer, or Owner access for a data collection to appear in the Discover search results.

I cannot request access to a data collection

If the Request access button is disabled, then the owner of this data collection did not list any contact details, so it is not possible to request access the the data collection.

If there is not a Request access button, then you already have Reader, Writer, or Owner access.

I cannot see the data collection's data or versions

If you only have Discoverer access, you cannot see the versions. Confirm you have Discoverer access by looking at the Access field.

The access field shows this end-user has Reader access to this data collection.

Otherwise, it's possible this data collection does not have any versions, or any published versions. To confirm, click on the data collection title and ensure you are on the Versions tab. If the Version select tool says Draft, then there are no published versions and you cannot add this data to your workspace.

How do I ensure my data collection appears in Discover search results?

Follow these steps to make sure your data collection appears in Discover search results.

Last Modified: 19 February 2025